DynamixMUSH News

------------------------ DynamixMUSH News Topics --------------------------
  [ ] Changes  Tells you about any changes made to the source code.
  [ ] Code     PennMUSH - Type @version for patchlevel information.
  [+] Colors   Tells you what we use as standards for ansi colors.
  [+] Crash    Information about the server and MUSH crashes.
  [*] Database Information about expectations in using the database.
  [+] Globals  Gives information about commands made special for this mush.
  [+] Map      Handy little map of DynamixMUSH! Take a look :)
  [*] Rules    Tells you what is expected of you as a player.
  [+] Staff    Gives you information on your friendly DynamixMUSH admins.
  [*] Theme    Tells you the administrator's view of his social mush.
  [*] - Important! Read now!          [ ] - Informative, read if you want.
  [+] - Very helpful, please read. 

List of Global commands: type 'help <command>' to see how to use the command.

+backup        +color       +exit        +finger       +pairs
+staff         +view        +who         +wizexit

bar          cbar          cube          ransi         square


  DynamixMUSH was created as a result of my (Javin's) personal MUSH
experiences.  I prefer a social mush setting where people can feel free
to make whatever they want.  I have found that the areas of many social
mushes set aside for linking player rooms are not very realistic in the
setting of the mush (like hotels for example, how can you build a house
or a shop off of a hotel room?)
  I got the idea that a more realistic setting would be a city where
you could buy an empty lot and build whatever you want on that lot.  I
tried to put this idea into several existing mushes, but it seems that
administrators are always tight with quota or granting powers.  Dynamic
City exists on several mushes nonetheless.  Come see us at Aurora, Global,
and Trippy MUSH.  
  Finally, I have my own site and can make Dynamic City the way it
should be.  The main nexus is the HUB and all streets in the city stick
out from there like spokes on a wheel.  You can get a nice empty lot and
build whatever you like, a house, a shop, etc.  I only ask that whatever
you build actually does something instead of just a bunch of empty rooms
that no one would ever want to visit.  I want to try to avoid a lot of
floating rooms, so buy a lot and link from there if you please.  See
'news rules' for more information about what is expected of players.
  The central square of the city is reservered for those who build
well coded public areas.  It is on the northern part of the city. In 
addition to the main city, themed areas of the mush are accessible by 
train.  You can go to the mountains, desert, plains and hills, beach,
or even into outer space.  If you have an idea for a themed area of any
kind, let me know and I'd be glad to get you set up.  


See 'help code' 
PennMUSH - Type @version for patchlevel information.


See 'help changes'
No changes to the source code have been made by the site administrator.


This list may be outdated. Type '+staff' to see the current list of staff members.
Name          Pos    Staff Function
Javin          W     Founder, head wiz, coder, newbie help, etc.
 Gralthax      A     Jav's Aide,Tour Guide,Main Grid Specialist. 
Luigi          W     Coder, Wizard.. Plumber.
 Goobam        A     Luigi's head builder/describer. 
 Jacobis       A     Builder/desc and principal of the Uni. 
 Ian           A     Luigi's Softcode Helper 
Oskar          W     Quality assurance, coder, newbie friendly. 
Maggie         W     <* Semi - retired *> 
Alayna         R     <* Semi - retired *> 
Kevek          R     Newbie friendly, some code/building help. 
Obsidian       I     Newbie helper, coder. 
Yoda           I     Helper, Coder, Jedi, and green dwarf.
Pos: (I)mmortal, (A)pprentice, (R)oyal, (W)izard


  We are running on an IBM PC computer using Linux.  The site is quite 
stable now although it could crash from time to time. We make backups regularly,
however, we can't guarantee that all of your recent changes will be saved.
  It is your responsibility to backup your own stuff, especially if you
are working on a major coding project. For more information, type 'help +backup'.



  PennMUSH supports the use of ansi colors.  That means you can see
colored text as you walk around DynamixMUSH.  The administration has decided
to use colors in a particular way to tip you off about how to do things.
  First of all, you must set two flags on yourself. Do this by typing:
@set me=ansi                        AND                        @set me=color
Then type '+color' to see how good your terminal does with showing you colors.
        We have agreed that we will use the following colors to indicate:
GREEN   - hints on commands to type to make things work in a particular room
MAGENTA - Virtual objects on room description, for more info type 'help +view'
BLUE        - Barlike separators, for more info type 'help bar'
        You are welcome but not required to follow these standards for your
rooms and objects here on DynamixMUSH.  We just thought it would be an easy
way for people to get oriented around here, that's all ;)


|      ;  /\              /^\ /\  /^\ /^\\                         |
| ~  .'   []            //  / \ \ /^\ \ /\ \^\            / ~ \    |
|    `.. Build Your    / /\/^ Explore The/^  \   \  /~\ /~~\   /~\ |
|  ~    : Dream Home /^\ / ^\ Mountains /^\     / ~ \ /~\  / ~ \   |
|    .'/\   /\                                     And  / ~ \  /~\ |
| ~ ,' [/\  []                 , ' N ` .           The Hills /~ \  |
|   `;  []           See The .'\ -[ ]- /`.            /~\ _ / ~ \  |
| ~   `..            Sights ,    \ | /    .            / ~ ~ \     |
|  ~  / ;                   W-----(*)-----E                 / ~ \  |
|    / : Visit  /\          `    / | \    '  In                    |
|    \ `. The  [__]          `./   |   \.'  Dynamic       /\   __  |
|     \_; Boardwalk            ` . S , '   City           []  /\_\ |
|   ~    `.                                                   []_| |
|  ~    ~ `, Enjoy the         .     .   .  .   .  .     Visit     |
|    ~  ,'Ocena Adventure    .   . .   .  .   .     . .  Comfort   |
| ,..   ;                 . . .      Try The   |~\  .    .  Farm   |
|;(^)Blast             .   .     /\  Pyramid  /~||~   .    .       |
|`.Into Space'`.      .  .   .  /__\ Adventure  .   . .  .         |
|  ``.,' `-'   '.      .    .     .     .    .   .   .   .   .     |
|              Something for everyone on...DynamixMUSH!            |


  DynamixMUSH is not about restrictions, it is about lack of restrictions.
The very motivation behind the game is to provide a place where you can be
yourself and build and code what you like, limited only by your own
imagination. When one player ruins it for another, however, that is unfair.
Do unto others as you would wish done unto you. Do not use obscene language.
Do not harass other players.  When someone asks you to stop doing something to
them, you stop. I consider the admins here to be fair and have good judgment.
If an admin feels you are violating the rules, you will be asked to alter
your behavior, and you are expected to do so without argument. Admins will
stand behind the decisions of other admins.
  As a result of our non-restrictive building policy, it is your
responsibility to make efficient use of database resources. See NEWS DATABASE
for more information.
  DynamixMUSH is built by the players for the players. Your participation on
Dynamix is voluntary. Play on DynamixMUSH at your own risk. DynamixMUSH, its
staff, and its players are not responsible for any damages of any kind.


  The very theme of Dynamix is that players be allowed to build what they want
on their own terms with as little restriction as possible. The quota system
has not been disabled, but your quota is bigger than what you will find on
many other MUSHes. If you run out of quota, page or @mail a wizard and they
will be happy to increase it for you.
  Due to our lack of restrictions, we all have to be concious of our individual
use of database resources. Build what you want, but try not to build more
than 5 things that nobody will ever use but you.  Go ahead, make a nice
little 2 room house and a few personal items, but after that try to think of
something to make that people would like to see or interact with, OK? Build
useful things and we shouldn't have any problems with a bloated database.
  Staff members are quite willing and capable to help you find ways of making
building and code efficient so that you are using the database responsibly.
For starters, read 'help +view' to learn about making virtual objects. If
you have a tendency to repeat code over and over on many objects, try using
@parent. If you find yourself building lots and lots of rooms and exits,
consider scaling down your project, making sure that each room has something
functional in it, rather than just a description and a bunch of exits.
Instead of building 20 rooms right off the bat, consider making 3 rooms,
get all the coding and interaction done in those before building more.
Dynamix is your MUSH, and we all must do our best to build and code
efficiently to keep things running smoothly. Be an efficient builder, and 
we will gladly raise your quota as often as needed.
  Inactive players are occasionally purged. When players are purged, anything
they own may be nuked or chowned to the MUSH (if it's publicly useful).